GLONASS range bias and clock estimate data are provided in GIPSY's time dependent parameter format. The columns are whitespace delimited and each line contains the following: [ time(j2k_sec) nominal_value(km) estimated_value(km) estimated_formal_error(km) paramater_name ] For example: 379069200.0000 0.00000000000000 -2.882639344479323E-03 1.224E-04 YAR3R746PCBIAS 379176900.0000 0.00000000000000 -55.7171827951770 8.794E-05 SAT BIASR720 We estimate each range bias parameter as a constant value for the 30-hour arc centered at noon GPS time on the date for which the file is named. The epoch of the range bias estimate corresponds to the beginning of the solution arc, so 21:00 on the date prior to the filename date. The bias parameter naming convention is NNNNRSVNPCBIAS, where NNNN is the receiver identifier and RSVN is the satellite name. Satellite clock offsets are estimated every five minutes and are named "SAT BIASRSVN". The provided solution files come from one of our operational "ultra-rapid" GLONASS processes. For questions please contact Jan Weiss, jpweiss at